Paulding County Commission Chairman Dave Carmichael and School Superintendent Steve Barnett Present the Proclamation from the State of Georgia stating November 3rd is Retired Georgia Educators Day.
PREA is so thankful for recognition of our years of service. Gratefully accepting the Proclamation are Laura Weiss, former PREA President, Sandy Parson, former PREA Treasurer, PREA Co-President Patti Swift, Paulding County Commission Chairman Dave Carmichael, Paulding County School Superintendent Steve Barnett, PREA Co-President Beth Black, and esteemed Scholarship Chair, Susan Lester.
Giving Back to our School Community
Beth Black, Laura Weiss, and Patti Swift were participant volunteers at the Reality Fair on October 15th at North Paulding High School. There they helped students from Crossroads and McClure Middle Schools navigate the simulated necessities of adulthood. Students were allowed to choose their profession, but were assigned tangibles such as a spouse or children. They had to "pay" for housing from their prescribed salaries, purchase an automobile, buy groceries, insurance, and so forth. It was a real eye-opening experience for most of the students, and for the volunteers a nice time for interacting with young people. This is a yearly event. Please consider volunteering next year.
A Happy Group of Retired Educators at our first meeting of 2024-2025!
Current officers and "retiring" Treasurer, Sandy.
Secretary Leah Smith, Co-Presidents Patti Swift and Beth Black, and current Treasurer, Paulette Rakestraw. Sandy Parson outshines the flowers she holds.
2024 PREA Scholarship Recipients
Shonta Pauldin, Patti Swift, Beth Black, Marshaune James, Scholarship Chair Susan Lester, and Joshua Bearden
Our fearless leaders with guest speaker Shelly Harris and her support dog, George. Everyone was inspired with her words and their work in our schools. Thank you for making our meeting extra special!
No meeting would be complete without collecting supplies for students at our School of the Year. This year Hiram High School is at the receiving end of our generous members. No one is more generous with her time than Retha Tibbitts, pictured here with Hiram High teacher Shonta Pauldin holding one of the gorgeous hand-knit bags lovingly made for teachers and students. Retha has made hundreds of these bags for our schools, and faces always light up when they receive one. Retha, like your bags, you're one of a kind! Thank you!
2024-2025 GREA President's Special Project: Make-a-Wish Georgia ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Remember our outreach goals: Paulding Helping Hands. Needs Volunteers...accepting applications NOW. Need volunteers in the food pantry everyday. We need case managers. Four hours one day a week – we will train and support – Bring items or $ donations at each meeting.
Paulding Helping Hands needs volunteers. If you can give just an hour or two, there are many different duties where you can help. Helping hands has a new clothing center accepting donations and a book donation area for raising funds
Illness? Death in family? PREA wants members to know that we care and are there for you. Let Jeaneen Camp know. ______________________________________________________________________
Reminder: 2024-25 PREA Membership Fees are now due. Click here for more information. We reached our GREA membership goal for 2024-2025! Please encourage friends/new retirees to join GREA. They get 1st year PREA membership FREE. ______________________________________________________________ Upcoming Events: To be announced
________________________________________________________________ Updates: Helping Hands needs your donations now. Please consider giving goods and/or $$. Volunteer hours: You no longer need to log your volunteer hours. Just contribute to one of our three Humanitarian Projects: Make a Wish Foundation, Paulding Helping Hands, or our support school of the year.
Georgia Legislative session begins in January. It is more important than ever to monitor and respond if GREA asks support for or against new legislation.
_____________________________________________________________ Our elected officers for 2024-2025 are: Presidents: Patti Swift and Beth Black President-elect: to be announced Secretary: Leah Smith Treasurer: Paulette Rakestraw _______________________________________________________________